"As within, so without", the outside world is a reflection of our inner world. This is a Universal Truth or Law that governs us.
I see this as so empowering, we don't have to feel powerless or a victim of the world around us. We create our reality! Our minds and bodies are powerful. And with power, comes responsibility. We are responsible for our thoughts and actions. Fearless CounSouling can help you harness this power through taking responsibility, to create the life you want. You may be like me and wonder about why we are the way we are, how we arrived at our personality and way of being in the world. You may also now be wondering what is Ego and what is Soul? who are we really? and what is this life all about? This curiosity is probably what brought you to this page and it's the perfect opening for a huge shift in your being! |
I like to understand the inner workings of things. I now understand that's how I connect, feel secure, and trust. Doing this is my Enneagram 3 returning to its type 6 origins, or my growth point. This is how I became a therapist, and now a CounSouler. I noticed, became curious, leaned in, explored, and discovered. That is the path of Fearless CounSouling.
I often laugh and say therapy is a gateway treatment to the "woo" and being a therapist is a gateway career to becoming "woo woo", if you're open. The more I study, the more I read stories of therapists turned spiritualist. Looking inward and exploring the psyche is a portal in to the Universe!
All humans are spiritual beings, whether we embrace it or not. And it's ok if we don't. We have free will and choice in this lifetime to do what feels right for us. Many of us lack this awareness. Coming to this awareness creates an opening that can send us spiraling into the depths of our Soul and into the wonders of creation, the universe, the beyond. It's a wild ride full of ups and downs, ins and outs, highs and lows, lost and founds. You may already be on that journey or searching for the opening. Or, you may not know what all this is about, this is the first you are hearing of it, and now are not sure whether to run, attack, or continue forward. Either way, you can't unsee this. This is an invitation. Welcome.
All humans are spiritual beings, whether we embrace it or not. And it's ok if we don't. We have free will and choice in this lifetime to do what feels right for us. Many of us lack this awareness. Coming to this awareness creates an opening that can send us spiraling into the depths of our Soul and into the wonders of creation, the universe, the beyond. It's a wild ride full of ups and downs, ins and outs, highs and lows, lost and founds. You may already be on that journey or searching for the opening. Or, you may not know what all this is about, this is the first you are hearing of it, and now are not sure whether to run, attack, or continue forward. Either way, you can't unsee this. This is an invitation. Welcome.
Disclaimer about this work
There is a saying, "milk for babes; meat for strong men" that translates to this work. Take it in as you are ready. Feeding steak to a newborn baby does not make sense, they are not equipped to chew or digest it. Bite off what you can chew and digest. If it's too big, too much, or doesn't sit well with you, you're not ready and that's ok. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.
Ego & Soul
The terms Ego and Soul are often used without definition or description. I feel it necessary to provide context for what I mean when I use these terms.
My understanding is when we're born, Ego and Soul are aligned with one another. Governed by another Universal Truth/Law - the Law of Attraction, they are a vibrational match for the family/circumstance they have been born into. I understand this to be because our Soul intentionally chooses to incarnate into this particular environment to have a certain set of experiences that contribute to its development. The Soul incarnates with Spiritual Goals, Talents, and Karma as well as Physical Goals, Talents, and Karma. The Soul also has an overall Destiny it hopes to achieve. Additionally, the Soul may have made contracts with others to support its intentions for this lifetime. This information can be determined through Numerology and the Akashic Records. Accomplishing these intentions requires Ego, as Ego is the way the Soul crystalizes and partakes in the human experience.
My understanding is when we're born, Ego and Soul are aligned with one another. Governed by another Universal Truth/Law - the Law of Attraction, they are a vibrational match for the family/circumstance they have been born into. I understand this to be because our Soul intentionally chooses to incarnate into this particular environment to have a certain set of experiences that contribute to its development. The Soul incarnates with Spiritual Goals, Talents, and Karma as well as Physical Goals, Talents, and Karma. The Soul also has an overall Destiny it hopes to achieve. Additionally, the Soul may have made contracts with others to support its intentions for this lifetime. This information can be determined through Numerology and the Akashic Records. Accomplishing these intentions requires Ego, as Ego is the way the Soul crystalizes and partakes in the human experience.
Everything is energy and energy has a vibration, an energetic signature, which I call an impression. Our physical body and the physical elements in this world consist of such a dense vibration that it results in a tangible, touchable impression. Alternatively, our thoughts and emotions are intangible, or not able to be physically held, because they are made up of less dense energy. You may have heard the terms "high vibration" and "low vibration" referring to a sense of lightness, feeling high, and heaviness, feeling low, respectively. All of these energy signatures influence our energetic impressions on our bodies and the world around us, however people often only consider, or more greatly consider the impact of the dense, physical impressions we make on ourselves, each other, and the world. The truth is, it all matters and its all connected.