A Little About Me
Launching Fearless CounSouling has been both exhilarating and frightening at the same time. I feel like I'm coming out. I could not have done this without connecting to my fearless Soul. My protective Ego told me I was throwing away a perfectly great career as a therapist with plenty of amazing clients doing really great work. My Ego was incredibly worried I would fail and feel disappointed and lost. To my Ego, this was the stupidest decision I could make. It wanted me to be content with what I had. It was afraid I was risking too much, especially my faith. My Ego feared that if all of this failed, it was proof there was no God, no Divine. It feared I had been sold a lie, that I had been fooled into investing myself in so many trainings and experiences that were just a fantasy to make others money.
I love this story so much because it is such a reflection of the Fool's journey through the Tarot, which is really what sparked all of this a decade ago. Here is my Soul's version:
I had been living a limited life, providing limited healing as a therapist. Clients and I would do great work together, but for me, it always felt like there was something missing. I wanted to go deeper, to the Essence of it all.
I have never been religious and, until the past decade or so, I wouldn't have even considered myself spiritual. When I trained as a therapist, I never planned to incorporate spirituality into my practice. I just wanted to understand why people do the things they do. I found psychology and human dynamics fascinating. Still, being a therapist wasn't enough, I wasn't getting to the root of it all. I wanted to go deeper and beyond. Now, spiritual work is all I want to do. I want to help people return to their Essence, find their soul's purpose, and serve in the capacity they were designed for. I want to connect people to the Divine!
My Ego spent years trying its hardest to guide me to do the right thing. I worked multiple jobs, earned my degrees, said yes when I really wanted to say no, and burnt myself out. I overextended myself to feel worthy of love and respect. Instead, my friendships were superficial, I was hurt and betrayed by my partners, and I lived as if I was the only person I could depend on. No amount of doing was enough to feel secure. I felt like I wasn't worthy.
Looking back, I can see my experiences paving the way, like little stepping stones, to my spiritual awakening, my return to my Soul. It may sound cliche, but many, if not all, of us do have to go through the proverbial 'dark night of the soul' and hit rock bottom before turning around and choosing the right path, the path aligned with our Divine Design. For me, it required undoing of all the doing, I had to practice be-ing. I had to take time for myself and not give everything I had away. I had to learn to express my emotions, be vulnerable, ask for help, and stand my ground when my boundaries were being crossed. This was all done through energy healing! It was like a gentle, sometimes not-so-subtle sweeping away of the me, my Ego self, that was created to survive my formative years. Energy healing soothed me and invigorated me. I could honor my past self and access my true Essence. I thank God, the Divine, for Alea Wise, my Reiki Master, who guided me through and helped ignite Fearless counSouling.
Today, I have access to my fearless Soul. Spirituality is in everything I do. I understand us all to be Divine Souls incarnated here on Earth to fulfill a purpose. We're here to experience life in all of its glory. We chose this life! - That was a really hard concept for my Ego to accept. When I first heard it from a spiritual leader in the community my Ego cried in horror. Why would anyone choose to endure abuse, torture, extreme suffering and intense fear? I have since come to understand it's all part of the energetic match of the Soul and the experience it came here to have on Earth - we can talk more about this if you are interested. For now, let me be clear, I do not believe anyone deserves to be harmed, ever. Source, God, the Divine, All that Is, our Higher Power does not create harm for our Souls to endure. People cause harm and people can end harm. That is what this work is all about - understanding your Divine Design and making choices to align. When we are in alignment, we feel better and do better in relationships. We don't harm, we heal. We act from our Soul rather than out fearful Ego.
You may be wondering about Karma. I understand Karma as an incomplete energetic pattern, which we can address through the healing techniques I offer. You do not deserve harm, no one does. No one owes a Karmic debt. Experiencing harm in some form creates a Karmic pattern that causes us to get stuck in thoughts and behaviors that perpetuate harm, to ourselves and others. This is what happens when our Life Force Energy is disrupted. Life is hard, our Egos do they best they can to help us cope and adapt. Hurt people hurt people. We are all capable of harm and we are all capable of returning to our Soul and healing ourselves. When any one of us chooses to heal, we all begin to heal. All that is required is 1) taking responsibility for your life, 2) understanding your Divine Design, and 3) acting in alignment with your true Self, your fearless Soul. A skilled healer can assist with energy healing, card readings, and clearing work to aid your process.
What I provide through counSouling is not mental health therapy. I have graduated from that profession. I am now a counSouler. I provide guidance for your Soul, Soul food that will nourish your Essence and support your life. This is beyond mental health. Healing at the Soul-level greatly improves mental and physical wellbeing, relationships, and your overall life satisfaction. The work we'll do together will enable you to live authentically, fearlessly, and free of the burdens your Ego has generously held for you for so long.
We honor the Ego and its service to you.
Your Soul is waiting and ready to guide you.
My Healing Practices
My spiritual development began with Tarot. In 2013, I inherited my mother's cards. Having never had any experience with them, I became curious, read books, listened to podcasts, and became a Certified Card Reader. The messages embedded in Tarot are deep and timeless. I see them as expressions of the Human journey, each card reflects our common experience. Next, I discovered oracle cards. I fell in love with the incredible imagery and inspiration various artists have provided to guide us in self-awareness, decision-making, and reassurance. From Angel cards to an assortment of cards with vivid depictions of animals, images, and colors, we receive messages of hope, encouragement, clarity, and Divine Love.
As my spirituality grew, I began to receive messages. In 2021 I received a guidance to pursue Reiki. I had never received Reiki and knew almost nothing about it. I reached out to a colleague of mine who offered Reiki and I began my healing and training. Reiki has changed my life and greatly improved my relationship with my partner. It has also launched me into offering this spiritual, energetic work in my own way.
In 2022, I heard another spiritual message: "The Akashic Records". Again, I was unfamiliar with this, but chose to learn more. I began reading about the Akashic Records and became fascinated with its potential. I came across various brief trainings, including how to use cards to access the Akashic Records, and wanted more. I found an Akashic Records card deck and fell in love. In January 2023 I used that deck to ask for guidance on attracting the ideal Akashic Records training for me. I drew the architect card - it said I was building something. I accepted the message and waited. Two weeks later a training found me. I was instantly attracted to it. It was called Soul Realignment. As I began the training, I heard that the process was about identifying your Divine Soul BLUEPRINT! I was blown away by the connection to the architect card weeks before. I absolutely love and delight in these magical moments! Learning Soul Realignment has opened so many avenues for me to organize and materialize significant change for myself, my loved ones, and clients.
In my spiritual awakening I realized how asleep I was. As an Enneagram 3, type 6 Soul child, I spent much of my life doing and very little being. Early on I was teased for being slow and careful. In order to be more accepted, I molded myself into being ultra productive and efficient. I also learned I didn't want to rely on anyone else for anything and I became incredibly independent. So much so that I didn't even want to waste time having friends. Partners even became a burden. Everything was a task to be completed in the most efficient way possible. The joy was in the completion of the task, not the experience of the task itself. This included vacations, getting a pedicure, eating my favorite foods, and buying things. Everything was just something to finish. And having other people in my life just got in the way. Their wants and needs, asking me to spend time with them, all a burden to me. This was no way to live. Life is so much more than a series of tasks to complete.
The Enneagram has proven to be a wonderfully insightful tool to identify the behaviors that keep us from our true self. It's the only personality test (to my knowledge) that accounts for how our personality adapts to our lived experience. Each Enneagram type has a story that demonstrates, generally, how someone would arrive at the characteristics of each of the 9 types. Adding in the Soul Child theory gives the story another dimension. I'd be happy to share more if you'd like in your reading.
This work has been part of my identity my whole life, but only recently have I unlocked what is necessary to explore, and now own, my magic. This magic encompasses inviting Source, Divine energy into everyday life, discovering how powerful I am in this human experience, and enjoying this life as the playground and discovery center it was intended to be. I am learning everyday how magical I truly am and how much this life has to offer my Soul.
I'd love for you to have your own experience of your magic, the power within you to create and be all that you are! In addition to counSouling, I am open to helping you learn to access your own Divine healing.
I love this story so much because it is such a reflection of the Fool's journey through the Tarot, which is really what sparked all of this a decade ago. Here is my Soul's version:
I had been living a limited life, providing limited healing as a therapist. Clients and I would do great work together, but for me, it always felt like there was something missing. I wanted to go deeper, to the Essence of it all.
I have never been religious and, until the past decade or so, I wouldn't have even considered myself spiritual. When I trained as a therapist, I never planned to incorporate spirituality into my practice. I just wanted to understand why people do the things they do. I found psychology and human dynamics fascinating. Still, being a therapist wasn't enough, I wasn't getting to the root of it all. I wanted to go deeper and beyond. Now, spiritual work is all I want to do. I want to help people return to their Essence, find their soul's purpose, and serve in the capacity they were designed for. I want to connect people to the Divine!
My Ego spent years trying its hardest to guide me to do the right thing. I worked multiple jobs, earned my degrees, said yes when I really wanted to say no, and burnt myself out. I overextended myself to feel worthy of love and respect. Instead, my friendships were superficial, I was hurt and betrayed by my partners, and I lived as if I was the only person I could depend on. No amount of doing was enough to feel secure. I felt like I wasn't worthy.
Looking back, I can see my experiences paving the way, like little stepping stones, to my spiritual awakening, my return to my Soul. It may sound cliche, but many, if not all, of us do have to go through the proverbial 'dark night of the soul' and hit rock bottom before turning around and choosing the right path, the path aligned with our Divine Design. For me, it required undoing of all the doing, I had to practice be-ing. I had to take time for myself and not give everything I had away. I had to learn to express my emotions, be vulnerable, ask for help, and stand my ground when my boundaries were being crossed. This was all done through energy healing! It was like a gentle, sometimes not-so-subtle sweeping away of the me, my Ego self, that was created to survive my formative years. Energy healing soothed me and invigorated me. I could honor my past self and access my true Essence. I thank God, the Divine, for Alea Wise, my Reiki Master, who guided me through and helped ignite Fearless counSouling.
Today, I have access to my fearless Soul. Spirituality is in everything I do. I understand us all to be Divine Souls incarnated here on Earth to fulfill a purpose. We're here to experience life in all of its glory. We chose this life! - That was a really hard concept for my Ego to accept. When I first heard it from a spiritual leader in the community my Ego cried in horror. Why would anyone choose to endure abuse, torture, extreme suffering and intense fear? I have since come to understand it's all part of the energetic match of the Soul and the experience it came here to have on Earth - we can talk more about this if you are interested. For now, let me be clear, I do not believe anyone deserves to be harmed, ever. Source, God, the Divine, All that Is, our Higher Power does not create harm for our Souls to endure. People cause harm and people can end harm. That is what this work is all about - understanding your Divine Design and making choices to align. When we are in alignment, we feel better and do better in relationships. We don't harm, we heal. We act from our Soul rather than out fearful Ego.
You may be wondering about Karma. I understand Karma as an incomplete energetic pattern, which we can address through the healing techniques I offer. You do not deserve harm, no one does. No one owes a Karmic debt. Experiencing harm in some form creates a Karmic pattern that causes us to get stuck in thoughts and behaviors that perpetuate harm, to ourselves and others. This is what happens when our Life Force Energy is disrupted. Life is hard, our Egos do they best they can to help us cope and adapt. Hurt people hurt people. We are all capable of harm and we are all capable of returning to our Soul and healing ourselves. When any one of us chooses to heal, we all begin to heal. All that is required is 1) taking responsibility for your life, 2) understanding your Divine Design, and 3) acting in alignment with your true Self, your fearless Soul. A skilled healer can assist with energy healing, card readings, and clearing work to aid your process.
What I provide through counSouling is not mental health therapy. I have graduated from that profession. I am now a counSouler. I provide guidance for your Soul, Soul food that will nourish your Essence and support your life. This is beyond mental health. Healing at the Soul-level greatly improves mental and physical wellbeing, relationships, and your overall life satisfaction. The work we'll do together will enable you to live authentically, fearlessly, and free of the burdens your Ego has generously held for you for so long.
We honor the Ego and its service to you.
Your Soul is waiting and ready to guide you.
My Healing Practices
My spiritual development began with Tarot. In 2013, I inherited my mother's cards. Having never had any experience with them, I became curious, read books, listened to podcasts, and became a Certified Card Reader. The messages embedded in Tarot are deep and timeless. I see them as expressions of the Human journey, each card reflects our common experience. Next, I discovered oracle cards. I fell in love with the incredible imagery and inspiration various artists have provided to guide us in self-awareness, decision-making, and reassurance. From Angel cards to an assortment of cards with vivid depictions of animals, images, and colors, we receive messages of hope, encouragement, clarity, and Divine Love.
As my spirituality grew, I began to receive messages. In 2021 I received a guidance to pursue Reiki. I had never received Reiki and knew almost nothing about it. I reached out to a colleague of mine who offered Reiki and I began my healing and training. Reiki has changed my life and greatly improved my relationship with my partner. It has also launched me into offering this spiritual, energetic work in my own way.
In 2022, I heard another spiritual message: "The Akashic Records". Again, I was unfamiliar with this, but chose to learn more. I began reading about the Akashic Records and became fascinated with its potential. I came across various brief trainings, including how to use cards to access the Akashic Records, and wanted more. I found an Akashic Records card deck and fell in love. In January 2023 I used that deck to ask for guidance on attracting the ideal Akashic Records training for me. I drew the architect card - it said I was building something. I accepted the message and waited. Two weeks later a training found me. I was instantly attracted to it. It was called Soul Realignment. As I began the training, I heard that the process was about identifying your Divine Soul BLUEPRINT! I was blown away by the connection to the architect card weeks before. I absolutely love and delight in these magical moments! Learning Soul Realignment has opened so many avenues for me to organize and materialize significant change for myself, my loved ones, and clients.
In my spiritual awakening I realized how asleep I was. As an Enneagram 3, type 6 Soul child, I spent much of my life doing and very little being. Early on I was teased for being slow and careful. In order to be more accepted, I molded myself into being ultra productive and efficient. I also learned I didn't want to rely on anyone else for anything and I became incredibly independent. So much so that I didn't even want to waste time having friends. Partners even became a burden. Everything was a task to be completed in the most efficient way possible. The joy was in the completion of the task, not the experience of the task itself. This included vacations, getting a pedicure, eating my favorite foods, and buying things. Everything was just something to finish. And having other people in my life just got in the way. Their wants and needs, asking me to spend time with them, all a burden to me. This was no way to live. Life is so much more than a series of tasks to complete.
The Enneagram has proven to be a wonderfully insightful tool to identify the behaviors that keep us from our true self. It's the only personality test (to my knowledge) that accounts for how our personality adapts to our lived experience. Each Enneagram type has a story that demonstrates, generally, how someone would arrive at the characteristics of each of the 9 types. Adding in the Soul Child theory gives the story another dimension. I'd be happy to share more if you'd like in your reading.
This work has been part of my identity my whole life, but only recently have I unlocked what is necessary to explore, and now own, my magic. This magic encompasses inviting Source, Divine energy into everyday life, discovering how powerful I am in this human experience, and enjoying this life as the playground and discovery center it was intended to be. I am learning everyday how magical I truly am and how much this life has to offer my Soul.
I'd love for you to have your own experience of your magic, the power within you to create and be all that you are! In addition to counSouling, I am open to helping you learn to access your own Divine healing.
This is Your Invitation to Wake Up, connect to the fearless you.
Discover who you truly are, at Soul-Level, and take responsibility for your life. You are the only one who can transform your experience. If you are looking for change, here is your invitation. Take it now, or take it later. The invitation will keep coming. You deserve to live the life you chose. You deserve to live fearlessly in alignment with who you truly are. You are Divine. You are Love. Love you. |